7 Widely Asked Rhinoplasty Questions, Answered by Our Experts

Woman preparing for rhinoplasty

7 Widely Asked Rhinoplasty Questions, Answered by Our Experts

Thinking about undergoing plastic surgery can be scary. The thought of a surgical procedure on your face is enough to make anyone think twice about following through.

Talented plastic surgeons like those at Delray Beach Plastic Surgery are dedicated to providing the best possible care and surgical plans for their valued patients. We put you at ease by answering your questions and making sure you understand what is involved, from the moment you step in for a consultation to post-surgical care and beyond.

All About Rhinoplasty

If you are considering this plastic surgery in South Florida, you likely have some questions about the procedure. We have answers to some of the most common questions asked before nose plastic surgery. Read on to learn more as you picture your new and improved self.

Is There a Minimum Age for Rhinoplasty?

It’s quite common for people to begin considering a nose job as early as their teens. You are able to undergo surgery as soon as your features have developed, which typically occurs between ages 15 and 18. If you choose to alter your nose before your face has finished developing, it may lead to complications and long-term disfigurement.

Will My Nose Be Broken During the Procedure?

Rhinoplasty carries a common misconception that the nose must be broken, but this is not always true. Some cases require a small, controlled break in the bone, which allows a surgeon to reshape and reposition other bones in the nose. This alteration will take place when you are under anesthesia, so it’s not likely that you will know until after the procedure is finished. Some temporary swelling and bruising will be present.

How Long Does the Swelling Last?

Typical swelling usually disappears after a few weeks; this is the time most people take to recover and get back to daily activities. More comprehensive and complicated procedures can leave you with bruising and swelling that can last six months to a year before the end result is evident.

Will I Need Revision?

The need for revision rhinoplasty surgery is rare. Studies have revealed that only about 9% of all rhinoplasty patients need a revision procedure. Doing research and choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in rhinoplasty will greatly reduce your likelihood of needing a second procedure.

Are There Nonsurgical Alternatives?

There is no nonsurgical replacement for rhinoplasty, but you can achieve temporary improvement with the use of dermal fillers. This liquid alternative works best for hiding bumps, correcting asymmetry, and smoothing out your overall appearance. Results are only temporary, so you will have to repeat the procedure if you want lasting results.

What Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

Nose plastic surgery and related procedures can cost anywhere from $7,500 to $10,000; this package price includes facility use, anesthesia, pre- and post-operative care, and surgeon’s fees.

Is This Procedure Covered by Insurance?

As most rhinoplasty is elective, the procedure is not covered by traditional insurance. Surgeries that involve corrective breathing and functional issues may be eligible for coverage. If you have any questions about your insurance provider, contact them, and ask for prior authorization to determine if you are eligible for coverage.

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Go!

Delray Beach Plastic Surgery offers premier plastic surgery in South Florida and beyond. We offer a number of cosmetic procedures and surgical procedures including Botox, Juvederm, CoolSculpting, skin tightening, face-lifts, rhinoplasty, and much more. We will help you uncover your most beautiful, confident you, one procedure at a time. Contact Delray Beach Plastic Surgery today to make your appointment.

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