Looking for a more youthful and sensual-looking mouth?

A lip lift, which reduces the space between the bottom of your nose and the top of your lips, may be the ideal solution for you.

If you want a more youthful and sensual-looking mouth, big lips are not the only option. An alternative to lip augmentation or lip implants, the lip lift is a procedure which reduces the space between the bottom of your nose and the top of your lips. Some of us are born with naturally long upper lips, while other people start to notice it more with the aging process. The youthful lip is full and slightly pouting. The pink part of the lip can be 1/3 to 1/2 the volume of the area between the top of the lip and the nose in general. The lip lift is designed to shorten the upper lip, allowing people even in their twenties to benefit from this procedure.

As we age, all the bones of the body (including the face) retract and diminish, allowing the flesh of the face to hang more. The soft tissue and fat of the face undergo atrophy, so the skin itself also falls. The aged upper lip is characterized by a thin or non-existent vermilion (the pink part) and a smile that does not show the teeth. Therefore, people experiencing this will also benefit from a lip lift.

The Lip Lift Procedure

The lip lift is a procedure that elevates the position of the upper lip with respect to the teeth, giving a broader smile. The amount of pink lip that is seen is also increased, giving the patient wider lips. The lips can also be made fuller with lip augmentation by injecting abdominal fat into the lips during the same surgical session. The overall effect of the lip lift is a more esthetically pleasing mouth with a youthful appearance. The patient satisfaction rate is very high.

The result of the lip lift is a more youthful and pleasant shape to the mouth and lips. The teeth will show more and the patient almost always looks happier and relaxed.

Can I get a lip lift with only fillers?

Fillers are great for augmenting the lip, but they will not lift the lip in the same capacity as a lip lift. The elongated space between the nose and the top of the lip can only be shortened with the lip lift procedure. This is the only way to get a permanent lifting of the lips. Additionally, the lip lift produces a more youthful shape to the lips.

As with all facial plastic surgery, a thorough health assessment and realistic expectations are prerequisites. Your understanding of procedures, routines, and risks is essential to a successful final result. Following your consultation, we continue our discussion at the preoperative appointment.

The success and safety of your surgery depends very much on your complete candidness during your initial consultation. Dr. Westine will ask a number of questions about your health, desires, and lifestyle.

For examples of the before-and-after results of lip lifts performed at Delray Beach Plastic Surgery, visit our Gallery.


Ready to learn more about which plastic surgery option is right for you? Schedule a consultation today with one of our world-class surgeons to get started. We look forward to beginning this exciting process with you!